Looking to get started, but want a rundown on the basics? Here are some common questions we get in our inbox, and some quick answers to help you get started.

A) How do I retrieve the text of a particular parasha?

To select the text of a Parasha, you have to proceed with two steps:

  1. Call the Calendars API (if no date parameters are explicitly passed, it will default to this week's parasha).
url = "https://www.sefaria.org/api/calendars"

headers = {"accept": "application/json"}

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

You'll get a response that looks something like this (truncated):

"calendar_items": \[  
      "title": {  
        "en": "Parashat Hashavua",  
        "he": "פרשת השבוע"  
      "displayValue": {  
        "en": "Toldot",  
        "he": "תולדות"  
      "url": "Genesis.25.19-28.9",  
      "ref": "Genesis 25:19-28:9",
  1. In the response, note the ref field. This converts the Parasha to a ranged text reference corresponding to the verses and chapters covered by this Parasha. Using that ref field, we can query the texts API:
url = "https://www.sefaria.org/api/v3/texts/Genesis 25:19-28:9"

headers = {"accept": "application/json"}

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

And we would get the associated text in the response.

Please note, the text will default to Hebrew unless English is explicitly passed.

Here's an example of the same query, but explicitly requesting an English response:

url = "https://www.sefaria.org/api/v3/texts/Genesis 25:19-28:9?version=english"

headers = {"accept": "application/json"}

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

You'll notice the addition of the parameter version=english

All of this is detailed in our documentation. To see more, read the description of the parameters and the responses for our texts API here.

B) How do I retrieve a commentary?

To select a commentary on a book, you need to pass that specific commentary to the texts API.

For example, to get Rashi on the Parasha above, you would run a query like this:

url = "https://www.sefaria.org/api/v3/texts/Rashi on Genesis 25:19-28:9?version=english"

headers = {"accept": "application/json"}

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Note, I passed version=english again which will return the English of Rashi's text (assuming we have an English version of the text, which in this case, we do).

It is not currently possible to navigate to a commentary from the API calls to a text. The best way to see the available commentaries for a given text is to use our Related API. You can peruse the documentation there to better understand how commentaries are associated with texts.

C) How to retrieve a range of verses?

See above (A), when we passed in a range of verses to retrieve the text of the Parasha.

D) How to retrieve a particular parasha with Rashi's commentary?

See above (B), where we passed in Rashi on Genesis 25:19-28:9 to retrieve the associated Rashi text on Parashat Toldot.

E) How do I use the Calendar API to get a different Parasha?

If you read through our documentation of the Calendar API , you'll see the following explanation:

By default the API returns for the current time. You can override it by using a combination of the year, day, and month params - all three of which must be used, or else the API will fallback to the default.

Here's an example specifying a different date, January 1st, 2025 by passing the parameters year, month, and day:

url = "https://www.sefaria.org/api/calendars?year=2025&month=1&day=1"

headers = {"accept": "application/json"}

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

That will return the ref for that week's Parasha, which you can then pass into the texts API in order to retrieve the text. See the two steps outlined above in (A), and repeat them with this ref.

F) How do I retrieve English versions of Hebrew commentaries?

See the example above in (B) for how we retrieved the English for Rashi. Retrieving the English for a text is as simple as passing the parameter version=english on the query.

This is also elaborated on in our documentation. Here an except from the relevant paragraph:

version (string)

There are two possible forms for the string passed as the version:

  1. language
  2. language|versionTitle

When in the form of language, the primary version of that language is returned in the versions field of the response object. When in the form of language|versionTitle, only that specific version is returned in the versions field.


  • language is the full English name of the language. In cases of dialectics with varying sub-specifities, please pass the ‘mother’ language (so for example, arabic rather than judeo-arabic). This field is NOT case sensitive.
  • versionTitle is the exact English versionTitle of the given version in the Sefaria database.
  • When only language is passed, the response will return a single version of the text in that language, the one that is highest priority in the Sefaria database.
  • Requests can have more than one version param. If no version was passed, the API defaults to version=primary.

An important note - not all of our texts have English translations. In a case where we do not yet have the English translation in our library, it will not appear in the API. To see a list of all English translated texts, click here.

G) How do I get specific commentaries (like Ramban or Rabbi Sacks)?

To retrieve a specific commentary, you follow the steps above in (B). All commentaries are treated as books, so you query the commentary the same way you'd query for the text of any other book.

Here's an example with Ramban on Exodus:

url = "<https://www.sefaria.org/api/v3/texts/Ramban%20on%20Exodus%201.1">

headers = {"accept": "application/json"}

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

With regards to Rabbi Sacks, figuring out the ref to pass is less intuitive. I recommend you navigate to the specific passage of interest in the library, and then copy the ref from the url.

For example, if I wanted https://www.sefaria.org/Covenant_and_Conversation%3B_Genesis%3B_The_Book_of_the_Beginnings%2C_Bereshit%2C_The_Book_of_Teaching?lang=bi via the API, I'd pass the request as follows:

url = "<https://www.sefaria.org/api/v3/texts/Covenant_and_Conversation%253B_Genesis%253B_The_Book_of_the_Beginnings%252C_Bereshit%252C_The_Book_of_Teaching">

headers = {"accept": "application/json"}

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

For more insights and assistance navigating our API, feel free to contact us!