Node Titles

Understanding how titles work at Sefaria for books and sections of books, and how they work together in building text citations.


There are three potential ways a title can be built:

  1. Explicit titles on nodes
  2. Shared Titles (Terms)
  3. Default Nodes

This article will explain each of these types of titles, as well as when they are used. First, let's look at some background.


The full title of any node is built up from the title of all of its parents, in order. Looking at our example book from The Structure of a Complex Text, the normalized full title of the Introduction section would be "Sample Book, Introduction". A reference to that part of the book would use that title. As trees get deep and the number of alternate titles grows, and also considering that node names can be separated by a space or a comma and space, there is a combinatorial expansion of the number of titles for a node.

How titles are put together

Let's look at the way nodes get titles. As a reference, let's see again the schema of our example book, this time paying close attention to the sharedTitle and titles fields (which were intentionally omitted in the last section):

 "schema" : {
        "nodes" : [
                "nodeType" : "JaggedArrayNode",
                "depth" : NumberInt(1),
                "addressTypes" : ["Integer"],
                "sectionNames" : ["Paragraph"],
                "sharedTitle" : "Introduction",
                "key" : "Introduction"
                "nodeType" : "JaggedArrayNode",
                "depth" : NumberInt(3),
                "addressTypes" : ["Perek","Pasuk","Integer"],
                "sectionNames" : ["Chapter","Verse","Comment"],
                "default" : true,
                "key" : "default"
                "nodeType" : "JaggedArrayNode",
                "depth" : NumberInt(1),
                "addressTypes" : ["Integer"],
                "sectionNames" : ["Paragraph"],
                "sharedTitle" : "Conclusion",
                "key" : "Conclusion"
        "nodeType" : "SchemaNode",
        "titles" : [
                "lang" : "he",
                "text" : "ספר הדוגמא",
                "primary" : true
                "lang" : "en",
                "text" : "Example Book",
                "primary" : true
                "lang" : "en",
                "text" : "The Book of Examples"
                "lang" : "en",
                "text" : "Ex Book"

        "key" : "Example Text"

Explicit Titles on Nodes

A node can have explicit titles defined on it. That is what we see in the example text, using the titles attribute of the node. As we said above, this attribute is a list of dictionaries, and each title dictionary has three keys:

textRequiredExample BookThe title string
langRequiredenThe language code, either "en" or "he".`
primaryOptionalTrueThis field needs to be present and True for exactly one Hebrew and one English title. It specifies the default title used for presentation and normalization.

Shared Titles (Terms)

Instead of listing its titles in the titles field, a node can specify the key of a shared title in the sharedTitles field. This is useful for titles that are used repeatedly, like Parasha names or Masechet names. Each shared title has a collection of title dictionaries that are used on the node as if they were defined on that node. Valid keys for shared titles are defined by the Term class. A node that defines sharedTitle does not have a titles field.

An example node with shared titles can be seen in our Example Book above, on the Introduction and Conclusion nodes. Let's zoom in on the Introduction node below:

  "nodeType" : "JaggedArrayNode",
  "depth" : NumberInt(1),
  "addressTypes" : ["Integer"],
  "sectionNames" : ["Paragraph"],
  "sharedTitle" : "Introduction",
  "key" : "Introduction"

You'll see that instead of a titles field with a list of titles for this node, we have a sharedTitle instead - since the word Introduction is used repeatedly for titles of introductions to books across the Sefaria library. This key was first defined using the Term class, and then used here as a sharedTitle.

Default Nodes

Look at our "Example Book" Index record above. The section containing the main contents of the book does not have a sharedTitle or a titles block, instead it simply has the field default set to True, and the key set to default.

Since this node represents the main body of the book, we don't want further titles to this section. For example, a reference like "Example Book, Contents 3:5" would be extraneous, when all we need is "Example Book 3:5". We want anything that isn't the Introduction or Conclusion to go the main body of the book. This can be accomplished by making the node a default node.

Some rules about default nodes:

  • Default nodes must have key: "default"
  • Default nodes must have default: True specified
  • Default nodes do not have titles or sharedTitle attributes
  • Default nodes must not have any other sibling that is a default node (There can be only one default node among siblings)
  • Default nodes must be a content node (e.g. JaggedArrayNode)
  • Default nodes cannot have any children nodes

Once a default node is specified, references to the parent that do not match other nodes will default to matching from the default node and below.

Example text using default:

"Introduction": ["Intro Paragraph 1", "Intro Paragraph 2", ...],
"default": [["Chapter 1, Section 1", "Chapter 1, Section 2"],["Chapter 2, Section 1", "Chapter 2, Section 2"], ...],
"Conclusion": ["Conclusion Paragraph 1", "Conclusion Paragraph 2", ...]

Let's look at the entire Index record again for our Example book, omitting any unrelated fields so we can focus on titles and get a better idea of how this works:

 "schema" : {
        "nodes" : [
                "nodeType" : "JaggedArrayNode",
                "sharedTitle" : "Introduction",
                "key" : "Introduction"
                "nodeType" : "JaggedArrayNode",
                "default" : true,
                "key" : "default"
                "nodeType" : "JaggedArrayNode",
                "sharedTitle" : "Conclusion",
                "key" : "Conclusion"
        "nodeType" : "SchemaNode",
        "titles" : [
                "lang" : "he",
                "text" : "ספר הדוגמא",
                "primary" : true
                "text" : "Example Book",
                "lang" : "en",
                "primary" : true
                "lang" : "en",
                "text" : "The Book of Examples"
                "lang" : "en",
                "text" : "Ex Book"

        "key" : "Example Text"

You'll see that the titles for the text are defined on the root SchemaNode, at the bottom on the Index record. To refer to any content from the main body of the text, the default key will allow us to reference it by using any of those titles. So, Ex Book 1:2, Example Book 1:2, The Book of Examples 1:2 and ספר הדוגמא 1:2 will all get us to the same place. In contrast, to get to either the introduction or conclusion, one would have to write the title with the sharedTitle for that specific node, so a valid title would look like Example Book, Introduction 1, with the sharedTitle concatenated to the root title.