
Intermediate nodes used in defining the schema of an Index, creating the structure of a book.


A SchemaNode is an intermediate node in the Index schema tree. A SchemaNode generally serves to position multiple child nodes in an order. Together, the nodes form trees which define a storage format. Versions of a text will follow the structure as defined by the schema tree.

The easiest way to think of a SchemaNode in the context of most texts on Sefaria: it is a node positioning other nodes, as opposed to a JaggedArrayNode which indicates that text will be stored at this location. (i.e. the Version has a JaggedArray at this point in the structure, containing the text in nested arrays).

A complex text will be comprised of a SchemaNode with other nodes as children. The nodes at the leaves, indicating locations where text can be stored, will be of typeJaggedArrayNode.

For more on SchemaNode, and to view examples, see The Structure of a Complex Text.