Term Creation
Two ways of creating a Term on a local instance of Sefaria
When creating an Index record with a new English titled element (e.g. a new sub category in the Table of Contents) a corresponding Term
must be added to supply, at the very least, a matching Hebrew title.
Example Terms API Payload:
term_obj = {
"name": "Ramban",
"scheme": "commentary_works",
"titles": [
"lang": "en",
"text": "Ramban",
"primary": True
"lang": "he",
"text": u"רמבן",
"primary": True
full_url = "http://whatever.server.exmp/api/terms/{}".format(urllib.quote("Ramban"))
Alternatively, you can use the post_term method located in sources/functions.py
in Sefaria-Data
from sources.functions import post_term
term_obj = {
"name": "Ramban",
"scheme": "commentary_works",
"titles": [
"lang": "en",
"text": "Ramban",
"primary": True
"lang": "he",
"text": u"רמבן",
"primary": True
Updated 3 months ago