Shape API

The shape API allows one to retrieve information about the shape of an Index on Sefaria. The shape refers some basic statistics about the Index, mostly the number of chapters, and the number of segments per chapter.

GET /api/shape/:title

Path Parameters

title - A valid node title or a path to a category, separated by /.

Example requests:

  • /api/shape/Genesis
  • /api/shape/Pesach_Haggadah
  • /api/shape/Talmud/Bavli

Query Parameters

The following two query parameters can be passed in calls to the Shape API to further filter results.

ParameterTypeDefault valueExplanation
depthint2The depth parameter in the query string indicates how many levels in the category tree to descend.
If depth=0is passed, then the returned JSON descends to end of tree.
dependentsboolfalseThe dependents parameter, if true, includes dependent texts. By default, they are filtered out.

Example Responses

Simple Texts

For simple texts, returns a dict with keys that contains the following fields:

	"section": Category immediately above book
	"heTitle": Hebrew title of node
	"length": Number of chapters
	"chapters": List of Chapter Lengths 
	"title": English title of node
	"book": English title of Book

Sample response for

    "section": "Prophets",
    "heTitle": "יונה",
    "title": "Jonah",
    "length": 4,
    "chapters": [
  "book": "Jonah",
  "heBook": "יונה"

Complex Texts

For complex texts or categories, the Shape API will return a list of dicts for each text within that category or text.

Here is a snippet of what is returned when querying the Shape API for the category Liturgy. To see the full response, try the full query here.

		"section": "Siddur",
		"heTitle": "סידור אשכנז, ימי חול, תפילת שחרית, הכנה לתפילה, מה טובו",
		"title": "Siddur Ashkenaz, Weekday, Shacharit, Preparatory Prayers, Ma Tovu",
		"length": 1,
		"chapters": 1,
		"book": "Siddur Ashkenaz",
		"heBook": "סידור אשכנז"
		"section": "Siddur",
		"heTitle": "סידור אשכנז, ימי חול, תפילת שחרית, הכנה לתפילה, אדון עולם",
		"title": "Siddur Ashkenaz, Weekday, Shacharit, Preparatory Prayers, Adon Olam",
		"length": 1,
		"chapters": 10,
		"book": "Siddur Ashkenaz",
		"heBook": "סידור אשכנז"
		"section": "Siddur",
		"heTitle": "סידור אשכנז, ימי חול, תפילת שחרית, הכנה לתפילה, יגדל",
		"title": "Siddur Ashkenaz, Weekday, Shacharit, Preparatory Prayers, Yigdal",
		"length": 1,
		"chapters": 27,
		"book": "Siddur Ashkenaz",
		"heBook": "סידור אשכנז"

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